Hand protection refers to equipment or gear designed to safeguard the hands during workouts, particularly strength training exercises, gymnastics, calisthenics, and other activities where the hands are subject to stress, friction, or impact.

Here are some common types of fitness hand protection:

  1. Weightlifting Gloves: Weightlifting gloves typically feature padded palms, fingerless or full-finger designs, and adjustable wrist closures. They provide grip support, reduce friction, and protect against calluses and blisters during weightlifting exercises such as deadlifts, pull-ups, and rows.
  2. Gymnastics Grips: Gymnastics grips are specialized hand protection gear designed for gymnasts and calisthenics practitioners. They consist of a leather or synthetic material palm piece with finger holes and adjustable wrist straps. Gymnastics grips provide better grip on bars and rings, reduce friction, and help prevent tearing of the skin on the hands during movements like muscle-ups, pull-ups, and bar work.
  3. CrossFit Hand Protection: CrossFit athletes often use a combination of weightlifting gloves and gymnastics grips, depending on the workout and the exercises involved. Some CrossFit-specific hand protection products offer a hybrid design with features tailored to both weightlifting and gymnastics movements.
  4. Hand Grips and Pads: Hand grips or pads are small accessories that athletes can wear on their palms to enhance grip and protect against calluses and blisters. These grips are often used in activities like kettlebell training, rope climbing, and calisthenics.
  5. Wrist Wraps: While not specifically hand protection, wrist wraps are commonly used in conjunction with weightlifting gloves or grips to provide additional support and stability to the wrists during heavy lifting or movements that strain the wrists, such as overhead presses and front squats.

hand protection is essential for maintaining hand health, preventing injuries, and improving performance during workouts. Choosing the right type of hand protection depends on factors such as the type of exercises performed, personal preferences, and the level of comfort and support needed. It's important to select hand protection gear that fits well, offers adequate grip, and allows for natural hand movement to ensure a safe and effective workout experience.