Straps & Wraps typically refers to products used in various activities such as fitness, weightlifting, sports, or even medical purposes.

Here's a breakdown:

  1. Straps: Straps are often used in weightlifting and strength training. Weightlifting straps are typically made of strong materials like nylon or leather and are used to improve grip strength during exercises like dead lifts, pull-ups, and rows. They wrap around the wrist and the bar or weight, providing a secure grip and allowing the lifter to focus more on the targeted muscle groups rather than grip strength.
  2. Wraps: Wraps can refer to several different products used for support or compression. In fitness, knee wraps and wrist wraps are common. Knee wraps provide support and stability to the knee joint during heavy lifts like squats or leg presses. Wrist wraps offer support to the wrist joint during exercises like bench presses or overhead presses, reducing the risk of injury and improving performance.

In the context of sports or medical applications, wraps might also refer to compression wraps or bandages used to support injured joints or muscles, reduce swelling, or provide additional stability during physical activity.

Both straps and wraps can be essential accessories for athletes and fitness enthusiasts, helping them perform exercises more safely and effectively.